Info and registration 655 6244 Open Mon 8.00–16.00 Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00 Fri 8.00–16.00
Dry eye is a condition in which there is a persistent lack of moisture in the eye, the cornea is not moisturised enough and this in turn causes discomfort. The so-called “dry eye” is a common problem and affects 5–35% of the population during their lifetime.
Risk factors are:
working with a computer – constantly staring at a screen and forgetting to blink
low fluid intake
medications (e.g. antidepressants, heart and blood pressure medications)
autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome)
diabetes and thyroid disorders
hormonal imbalances (especially pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, older women)
post-operative condition after cataract surgery or glasses removal surgery
eyelid inflammation
Common complaints:
A dry eye forces the lacrimal glands to produce tears quickly, but the tears produced in a hurry do not have the substances that keep the tear fluid in the eyelid.
so-called „glowing eyes”
sensitivity to light – particularly disturbed by daylight bulbs
eye strain
incapacity to work
it is easies to listen to than watch the TV in the evenings
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examination with a slit-lamp
Schirmer test – the amount of tears is measured with special paper strips
assessing the evaporation of tear fluid from the eye surface
evaluating the condition of the meibomian glands
artificial tears – are not medicines and overdose is not possible. They should be used several times a day.
prescription drugs
closing the tear points
intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment – reduces inflammation, constricts blood vessels, and intensifies the work of the meibomian glands. Additionally helpful in the treatment of effect rosacea, acne, and couperose.