
When you visit our clinic, you can be sure that our nice and helpful administrators will help you solve all your problems and leave no one alone with their questions. Hopefully, the anxiety and tension will disappear just by seeing the warm smiles of our staff. What to do if you have to wait longer than expected and the anxiety isn’t subsiding? We suggest you arrive at your scheduled visit time – time always seems to go slower when you have to wait, and the children quickly get bored. However, if you do get to us ahead of time, the following advice might be helpful for calming:
- Inhale slowly through your nose and release the air through your mouth. Repeat the exercise for at least 5 minutes and, if desired, you can go outside to get some fresh air.
- Drinking fluids can help – hot or cold, sweet or sour, it is individual.
- Look at the other “co-sufferers” – maybe some of them are just waiting to talk to someone, and then time will fly by.
- Our devices may seem awe-evoking, but they actually do their job quickly, accurately, comfortably, and painlessly – with the patient’s well-being in mind.
- You are always welcome here, and we are happy to help you with anything.
- When you go to the doctor, your mind will be eased, because a trouble shared is a trouble halved, and our experts will support you during the treatment course.
- Promise yourself that if you finish the treatment, you will reward yourself with something pleasant. NB! Everything is allowed!