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Info and registration 655 6244 Open  Mon 8.00–16.00  Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00  Fri 8.00–16.00

Info and registration 655 6244 Open  Mon 8.00–16.00  Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00  Fri 8.00–16.00

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Eye Treatments

IPL Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

IPL Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

How does IPL treatment work?

IPL treatment is performed with a device that produces intense pulsating light (flashes of light). The method is designed to suit all skin types.

Light directed at the skin:

  • stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and thereby improves the metabolism of Meibom glands and lacrimal glands,
  • reduces skin inflammation (e.g. rosacea) and inflammation of the eyelids (e.g. blepharitis).

Treatment procedure

IPL is a treatment procedure that is performed in addition to other treatments.

  • quick and simple,

  • the number of charges determined by the program is directed under each eye, on the cheek and temporal region,

  • a course of 3–4 sessions every 1–2 weeks,

  • safe and pain-free.

What do clinical trials demonstrate?

Clinical studies of the results of IPL technology therapy have shown that:

  • the quality of the tear film improves,

  • many symptoms disappear or are relieved, such as dry eyes, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, itching, burning, blurred vision, photosensitivity, watery eyes, pain.

What are the contraindications to IPL treatment?

Your ophthalmologist must be aware of any other medical procedures that are being performed, have recently been performed or are planned to be performed in parallel with IPL treatment. Also, inform your ophthalmologist about any other health-related changes during the IPL treatment course.

IPL treatment cannot be performed when:

  • your skin is impaired, damaged by inflammation or inflamed,

  • your hormonal changes are disorderly (uncontrollable),

  • you have been exposed to artificial UV radiation,

  • you have used tanning products in the last two weeks,

  • you have been sunbathing in the previous 2 weeks or plan to sunbathe in the following 2 weeks after the IPL treatment.

If you have any of the following conditions, be sure to consult a dermatologist before starting treatment:

    • cancer

    • vitiligo

    • lupus erythematosus

    • psoriasis

    • epilepsy

    • facial herpes

    • an ongoing photosensitising therapy