Main Content Visual Enhancement

Info and registration 655 6244 Open  Mon 8.00–16.00  Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00  Fri 8.00–16.00

Info and registration 655 6244 Open  Mon 8.00–16.00  Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00  Fri 8.00–16.00

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Contact Us

Turman Eye Clinic

Info and registration: 655 6244
Järve 2, Tower 2, 3rd floor, 11314 Tallinn

Mon-Wed 8.00–19.00
Thu 8.00–18.00
Fri 8.00–16.00

Injection Clinic

655 6244

Emergency Clinic

655 6244

AMD Center

655 6244

Eye Surgeries

655 6244

How to reach us?

Järve 2, Tower 2, 3rd floor, 11314 Tallinn
Should you have any questions, feel free to call us at 655 6244 or 652 5404

By bus

5, 18, 18A, 32, 36, 45, 57, 116, 116A

By train

The closest train station: Järve

By car

The easiest way to reach our clinic is via Tammsaare tee, passing the construction store and turning right onto Pärnu maantee. If you are approaching via Pärnu maantee main road, you must make a right turn just before the Väike-Järve Centre and drive through the yard to the clinic.

House Guide – How to Enter the Clinic:

1. The entrance to the clinic is from the courtyard.

2. Sign „Torn 2. Järve keskus. Turmani Silmakliinik“ is right by the door.

3. The door is closed, please use the door bell next to it.

4. Press the separate button for our eye clinic.

5. Take the lift up from the lobby.

6. Press number 3 and you have reached us!


Free parking is available on the streets near our clinic, however the amount of parking spaces near the clinic is limited. For a quick drop-off, you may drive in front of the house and allow the patient to exit the car there.

Parking is also available near Järve train stop, across the train tracks. Younger patients could park their car by the Tondi K-rauta store and walk to the clinic.

Due to dilating eye drops, your vision may be slightly blurred or clouded after the procedure. Therefore, you should refrain from driving yourself. It would be best if a family member or a friend could drive you home. Our staff is always ready to help you: call a taxi or call your loved ones.

NB! Do not drive after procedures, as with poor sight, you pose a threat to yourself and others!

Related Institutions

Kreutzwaldi Eye Centre

Check for available appointments with ophthalmologists and optometrists at our Kreutzwaldi Eye Centre.

Info and registration: 662 3744