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Info and registration 655 6244 Open  Mon 8.00–16.00  Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00  Fri 8.00–16.00

Info and registration 655 6244 Open  Mon 8.00–16.00  Tues.–Thurs. 8.00–18.00  Fri 8.00–16.00

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Eye Examinations

Dry Eye Thorough Examination

Merike Meren


Dry eye is a condition in which there is a persistent lack of moisture in the eye. The cornea is not moisturised enough, and this in turn causes discomfort. The so-called “dry eye” is a common problem and affects 5–35% of the population during their lifetime. In Turman Eye Clinic, we offer a thorough dry eye examination to combat this condition.

Risk factors:

  • environment-induced – low air humidity, electric heating, and air conditioners
  • working with a computer – constantly looking at the screen and not blinking enough
  • low fluid intake
  • medicines (such as antidepressants and heart and blood pressure medicines)
  • autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome)
  • diabetes and thyroid diseases
  • hormonal imbalance (especially in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as in older women)
  • conditions after cataract and refractive surgery
  • peripheral inflammation

Common complaints:

  • tingling
  • pain
  • excess tears (dry eye forces the lacrimal gland to produce tears rapidly, but quickly produced tears do not contain the substances that hold the tear fluid behind the eyelid)
  • so-called “burning eyes”
  • sensitivity to light – fluorescent lamps are found to be especially disturbing
  • fluctuations in visual acuity (especially while reading). Blinking eases the problem because when an eye closes, lacrimal glans produce a tear which moisturises the eye
  • redness
  • eye strain
  • decrease in ability to work
  • after a long day, it is uncomfortable and tiring to look around, at the TV, etc.


  • subjective assessment of a person’s eyes – various questionnaires are used
  • observation with a slit lamp
  • Schirmer’s test – the amount of tears is measured with special strips of paper
  • evaporation of tear fluid from the surface of the eye is assessed
  • the condition of the meibomian glands is assessed


  • artificial tears – these should be used several times a day, they are not medicines, and it is not possible to overdose
  • perscription medicines
  • closing lacrimal punctums (tear points)
  • intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy – reduces inflammation, narrows blood vessels, and intensifies the work of the meibomian glands. Furthermore, IPL therapy aids in the treatment of effect-rosacea, acne, and couperose.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

Intense pulsed light therapy warms the skin, destroys excessive microflora proliferation on the skin, and narrows the enlarged blood vessels close to the skin surface. The method also stimulates parasympathetic nerve endings in the eyelids, thus improving the function of the meibomian glands.

The method was originally used by dermatologists to treat acne, rosacea, and couperose. Patients with the aforementioned diagnoses often have very dry eyes, but after IPL treatments, their eye complaints resolve as well.

  • The procedure is quick and painless. A course of 3–4 sessions 1–2 weeks apart is recommended.
  • Men should shave their beards as the nozzle used for the procedure also covers the cheek skin.
  • Two weeks before and after IPL treatment, you must refrain from tanning and use 50+ UV protection after the procedure.
  • Treatment cannot be performed if the patient has cancer, epilepsy or herpes on the face. Please inform your doctor about possible health conditions before treatment.

Visit our Dry Eye Clinic

Register for a thorough dry eye examination at 655 6244